Careers Education, Information & Guidance
Careers Team: Leanne Smith, Sarah Linstead, Megan Bowen, Helen Maddison
Careers advice and support is also provided by the Connexions Service.
Our named Connexions Adviser is: Jo Clappison, Senior Participation Adviser
Where possible, Jo will attend your child’s EHCP review meetings from Year 9 onwards, to support you and your child to make decisions about your child’s future.
Our Careers Offer:
At Frederick Holmes School, we aim to ensure that our students have the opportunity to explore a range of career options and provisions, preparing them for their next steps towards Preparation for Adulthood.
Our vision is to provide support for each individual’s personalised pathway and provide opportunities to obtain experiences, awareness and skills to be as independent as possible. Along with the support from external agencies and community links, each student has the opportunity to gain confidence and encourage them to thrive.
As a Post 16 Department, we will:
- Inspire and engage our students in planning their own Careers and/ or transition pathway, supporting students and families to aim high, and understand what benefit their progress as part of their Preparation for Adulthood.
- Engage with employers and organisations to increase real life experiences.
The Careers offer has been designed to support all learners to acquire the educational, social and employability skills, as appropriate, to make a positive contribution beyond Frederick Holmes School, with the programme being constantly reviewed and adapted to provide the necessary support for all groups of learners.
Our Provider Access Policy is available below.
Further information on embedding ‘The Good Career Guidance Benchmarks in Schools and Colleges’ from the Gatsby Foundation can be found by clicking here.
Transition Support for Pupils and Families
Education about the world of work is just one key role in getting our young people ready for their adult life and the world after Frederick Holmes School. Our other major focus is supporting the process of transition from school to adult life. We work closely with families, education providers and adult social services to make sure there is an appropriate package of support in place for Preparation for Adulthood and Post 19 Transition. From Year 9 onwards we will help you and your child to understand the options that are open to them in adult life, and how to secure the level of support they will need to achieve their potential. Once a package of support has been identified, Year 14 our students each have a carefully planned transition package to their Post 19 provision. Transition is planned jointly between the young person, their family, the Hull or East Riding SEND Teams, Adult Social Work Teams and the school.
We measure the impact of how we prepare our young people for adult life through careful tracking of their leavers’ destinations. In the past three years, our leavers have gone onto Post 19 Provision with the following providers:
- Hull College
- Platform Provision
- Fernleigh Day Centre
- Portland College
- Same Difference Day Care
- CASE Training
- Linkage College, Beverley
Information for Employers
Frederick Holmes works closely with employers in the local area to support our students. This includes facilitating visits to workplaces and inviting employers in, in person or virtually, to speak, and work with, to student groups. We firmly believe that working with the local community helps raise aspirations and develops mutually beneficial links. If you would like to work with Frederick Holmes School, or visit our students, please contact a member of the Careers Team.
Our current business links include;
- The Deep
- Tesco